Sunday, November 13, 2011

"It's not a Jetta, It's a PASSAT"

As everyone knows, I drive a 1999 Passat. About two years ago, my cousin gave me her car. I knew the car was a Volkswagen and thought it was a Jetta. I never paid attention to the car because I couldn't drive it yet since I didn't have my license. I told everyone it was a Jetta. Until one day, my cousin told me its not a Jetta. I ran outside to see that it says Passat.. I felt like an idiot. How can I not see that? I got my license and I finally started to drive it after a few months. Everyone thought it was a Jetta... I told them clearly "It's not a Jetta, it's a PASSAT!" Till this day, everyone can't tell the different besides me.. That is how this quote ended up on my Senior quote

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